So this week I traveled from my new home in Parker, to Ventura, CA! My college friends who were interning in CO decided to drive back to Cali, and take me with them!!!! This seemed perfect to me because it meant I could visit, dun dun DUNNNN; a boy! Haha.
Zyzzx Road! |
As I was getting very excited about going to Cali to see a bunch of my friends and meet up with this guy I've been dating, something hit the fan, and it went all over my face!... Oh wait, those were just my tears.
I called my friends in tears telling them I might no longer go with them if, the guy who we've previously named, Heath, didn't want to see me.
I showed up at my moms house late Friday night (I was supposed to be leaving Saturday afternoon) really needing a mommy hug. We talked about what had happened and how I wanted to cancel the plane ticket I had bought for coming back home. After some discussion, she thought that I should still go, because who better to be with to get my mind off of boy problems then my friends! And I'd be doing it in the lovely California, to which I had never been before. So I put on my big girl pants, and cried some more... but after that I went home, packed and was ready to be on my way to California!
Can you tell we've bonded in mutual weirdness?! |
We traveled through Utah, Arizona, Nevada (stopping off along the strip; SO COOL!) and finally to the LA area where I would be staying with my friend, House. This was where I met my friend's (House) girlfriend, Lizzie.
Lizzie, House and I! |
Let's just say that this girl is my twin soul, so similar in personality and likes - not to mention gorgeous, that if I was either gay, or a boy... I wold steal her and keep her for myself! MUAHAHAHA! She is AWESOME! We clicked to fast, and I have loved spending time with both of them! :)
Me with my In-N-Out cup! |
They took me to In-N-Out for the first time earlier this week, and Oh. My. GOSH! It was amazing! I will never be able to have a hamburger or fries again without them paling in comparison! We drove around in House's bug... which he insists is 'magenta and cream' but I still say magenta is a fancy word for pink! I love this car, even without any A/C or proper seat belts, it's so vintage! Plus it got us from point A to point B... until the battery decided to crap out. But we were able to make it back alright, and have been driving a car that now works and has A/C, so I'm a happy Jodi! We also went to get boba the next day! I LOVE BOBA!!!
House trying to get the bug to start |
So my week has been going GREAT! and I love California! One of the best parts is that Heath and I have resolved things, and I will be visiting him next week!!
I'll let you know how things play out! :)
Wishing you love,
<3 always,